What is Testing & Evaluation?


Testing and Evaluation is a systematic process used to assess the performance, capabilities, and readiness of systems, equipment, and technologies. It involves various stages designed to ensure that assets meet operational requirements, safety standards, and performance expectations. We provide Independent Verification and Validation, Test Plan Development, as well as Trials Management and Execution. Overall, Testing and Evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring the reliability, effectiveness, and safety of systems, helping to support mission success and operational readiness across a wide range of naval capabilities.

Test Planning & Test Plan Development

    • JSL analyzes combat system performance metrics, system testing, software testing reliability,
      maintainability, to identify value-added characteristics of the program for cost savings initiatives
      and risk mitigation.

Ship Test & Trials Management/Execution

    • JSL participates in all phases of combat systems operational testing and in technical support for Test and Evaluation (T&E), Combat System Ship’s Qualification Trials (CSSQT), special engineering test support and post event studies.